Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Benefits of Fish

There are a few studies that suggest fish consumption can be detrimental to health, but there are far more studies in support of fish.  From stroke to cardiac health and mental health, fish appears to be a good addition (in appropriate quantities).

Fish consumption and stroke
In 2001 the Journal of American Medical Association published an article that indicated that fish consumption is associated with a reduced risk of reduced risk of thrombotic infarction but is not related to risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

Fish and Cardiac Health
Fish consumption has been linked to a decrease in cardiac arrest in men.
A study by the Harvard School of Public health found that fish consumption was associated with a lower CHD incidence and total mortality among diabetic women.

Fish and Depression
Feeling blue?  Studies link low levels of EPA, DHA, and n-3 PUFA (all found in fish) with clinical depression, suggesting that diets containing these essential fatty acids could play a critical role in the treatment of depression.

Fish consumption and breast cancer
The studies seem conflicting. In 2003 the American Society for Nutritional Sciences published a study that indicated that fish consumption was positively associated with breast cancer rates. Yet in 2009 a study by the Cancer Epidemiology Branch, of the National Cancer Center in Gyeonggi, South Korea concluded that fish consumption was associated with a decrease in breast cancer rates.
So, who do you believe?  Keep searching and the answer is usually right around the corner.  A German study of 165 breast cancer patients found the breast cancer patients had a general diet that was lacking in fruits and vegetables but high in processed meats.  Is it possible that the patients in the first study had a diet that was low in fruits and vegetables?