The Diet

The premise is simple - eat as nature intended.  If it grows in the ground, if you can catch it, if you can gather it, you can eat it.  Eat that supports your health while supporting the health of our soil, our land, and our future generations.  And most of all - Enjoy food.

To keep it simple - here are a few basic rules:
  • No Processed Foods - if you can't make it in your kitchen, don't eat it.
    • No Oil - this means no deep frying. 
    • No Refined Flour
    • No Refined Sugar
  • Plant Based - Most of caloric intake should come from plant sources (preferably vegetables)
    • Organic is preferred
    • Eat in Season
    • Enjoy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruit, and berries.
    • Eat a minimum of 2 servings a day of leafy green vegetables.
  • No More than 20% of Calories from Animal Sources 
    • Recommendation - 1 meal a day with Animal Protein, preferably pasture raised eggs or wild caught (from a sustainable source) seafood
  • No CAFO
    • Never consume animal protein from a CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation - AKA Factory Farm).  This isn't labeled so you will often need to ask.
    • Look for pasture raised, cage free, grass fed claims on your food purchase.  When in doubt - order vegan.
  • No Dairy
    •  All, and I mean ALL, research that connects cancers with consumption of animal protein was completed using Dairy Protein.  Casein.  Nature is wonderful, it has provided dairy to help baby animals grow.  Dairy = growth.  Promoting tissue growth is a good thing for infants (breast milk is best) - promoting tissue growth is not a good thing for minimizing cancer rates.  We all walk around with potential for malicious growths - whether or not we turn these cancer cells on is due in great part to our diet.  Sure - the dairy issue is debatable, but really there are no nutrients we gain from dairy that cannot be gained from other food sources - so why even risk it?